
I've been checking geodjango and it looks very well, but I have some
questions about it.

If I have two models like:

class UserProfile(models.Model):


    location = models.PointField(srid=2062)

    objects = models.GeoManager()

class Places(models.Model):


    location = models.PointField()

    objects = models.GeoManager()

I have the location of the user and I'd like to operate with the
Places model.
1-) Can be the SRID of the location in places be different? SRID are
places around the world so I think the best is use the default SRID

2-) Is the next code working as expected:
qs = Places.objects.filter(location__distance_lte=(pnt, D(km=500)))
qs = Places.objects.filter(location__distance_lte=(pnt, 500000)
I need a queryset that contains all the places available in less than

3-) I need to calculate some distances. I have a queryset with several
places and I need to know the distance to the user, we are talking
about distances in the earth. Do I have to use geopy or exists
something implemented in geodjango?

4-) userprofile.location.distance(place.location) is returning a very
small value, probably because the result is expressed in degrees. Is
there any way to return the value in Km or m? This question is related
to 3. It would be perfect if the value returned was the distance in Km
or m.

5-) Is available any widget to insert the points using GoogleMaps? As
far as I know I have to implement it all by myself.

We'd appreciate if someone could write a short tutorial using this
capabilities as this is the most common use of geodjango.

I'm using a Debian lenny machine, latest django SVN (today is 1.0!),
and PostgreSQL.

Thank you very much.
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