On Aug 30, 10:54 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Sorry but I didnt get it :(
> (Perhaps you should actually call the field user  rather than user) .
> Could you please explain more ?

Sorry, that should have been "you should call the field users" - i.e.
plural, because it refers to more than one user.

> I tried to do following but couldnt get user information,
> In [36]: p = PU.objects.all()
> In [37]: p
> Out[37]: [<PU: jwang>, <PU: admin>]
> In [38]: for i in p:
>    ....:     i.user.id
>    ....:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call
> last)
> D:\PMO\<ipython console> in <module>()
> AttributeError: 'ManyRelatedManager' object has no attribute 'id'

Each 'i' has MULTIPLE users. So you can't say i.user.id, because
'user' refers to MANY users. You'll need a nested loop:
for i in p:
    for a_user in i.user.all():
        print a_user.id

To be honest, all this is in the documentation. Django has some of the
best docs out there for any open-source project, and the question
you're asking is absolutely basic. See here, for example:
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