On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 15:00 -0700, lingrlongr wrote:
> I can see some differences between the Python Path for the dev server
> (manage.py runserver) and apache/mod_python.  I created an error in a
> template using an invalid tag so the Django pretty error screen
> appears.  Using the development server I see:
> Python Path:          ['/home/django/proj/loan', '/usr/lib/python25.zip', '/
> usr/lib/python2.5', etc...
> When setting up my apache conf according to the documentation, the
> Python path looks like this:
> Python Path:          ['/home/django/proj/', '/usr/lib/python25.zip', '/usr/
> lib/python2.5', etc...
> If I set the PythonPath in my apache conf like this, _______the site
> works_____:
> PythonPath "['/home/django/proj','/home/django/proj/loan'] + sys.path"
> Thoughts?

Short version: the problems you were seeing are 100% related to this
problem. Your Python path was incorrect and you started seeing problems.

Longer version...

This is something people really seem to struggle with in Python, but
it's a very consistent rule: the parent directory of anything you are
importing must be in the Python search path. So if you are writing

        import foo
and foo is inside the loan/ directory, then loan/ must in the Python
path. If you are writing

        from loan import foo
then the parent directory of loan/ must be in the Python path. And so
on. There are some subtleties with things like eggs and .pth files and
so on, but you can ignore those and not be any worse off.

This is documented in the Django documentation for setting up
mod_python, but it's not something that is special to Django. It's how
Python works.


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