Possibly not the cleanest of solutions, but you could put a sticky bit on the 
parent directory to force this.



Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 22:44 -0700, Julien Phalip wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using the FileSystem storage to save uploaded files, in a very
>> basic way:
>> storage.save('/blah/test.mp3', uploaded_file)
>> Now, the resulting file has '600' file access properties. That file is
>> then served by apache, but because of those access properties, it
>> cannot be accessed as you get a '403 Forbidden' error.
>> Is there a way to force the properties for the stored file (e.g. 605
>> would be enough)?
> That is the subject of ticket #8454.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> > 

urls = { 'fun':  'www.zonderbroodje.nl',  'tech':  'www.gp-net.nl' }

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