I'm using the form wizard for a project.  All the field names in
models.py coincide with the field names in forms.py.  There is ONE
field that is consistently, yet sporadically, causing problems and I
cannot see why.

# models.py
class PurchaseApplication(BasicApplication):
    down_payment_assets = models.IntegerField(help_text=u'Available
assets for down payment')

# forms.py
class PurchaseForm3_yes(forms.Form):
    down_payment_assets = forms.IntegerField(label=u'Available assets
for down payment ($)')

So, as I said, all the field names for the model and the form, so to
save I use:

class PurchaseWizard(FormWizard):
    def done(self, request, form_list):
        data = {}
        for f in form_list:

        o = PurchaseApplication()

        for f in data:
            o.__setattr__(f, data[f])
        o.site = Site.objects.get_current()

So, its only the down_payment_assets field that is causing problems,
but only sporadically.  The error text looks like this:

Exception Type:         OperationalError
Exception Value:        (1048, "Column 'down_payment_assets' cannot be

But the request.POST vars in actally show a value!!

Variable        Value
1-credit_rating         u'1'
2-purchase_home_type    u'1'
2-down_payment_assets   u'30000'
0-best_time     u'1'
1-contact_me    u'N'
wizard_step     u'2'


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