On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 7:21 AM, Andrew D. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've noticed that email isn't being sent during unit tests
> in Django 1.0 beta 1.  The django.core.mail.EmailMessage.send
> method returns '1' as if it had sent 1 message successfully,
> but the SMTP server doesn't get contacted at all.  The
> same thing happens with django.core.mail.send_mail.
> Is this expected behavior?  Is it documented somewhere?

Yes, and yes.


> What gives?  I'd like my unit tests to send emails.  It's fine
> if I have to add a setting or something, but it's not okay that
> I'm currently unable to get emails to be sent by unit tests.
> I have a really nice "SMTP black hole" -- an SMTP server on
> a VM that delivers mail to any email address to a local mail
> spool, so the unit tests' sending emails won't hurt anything.

Well... yes it will. It will hurt everyone that doesn't have access to
your SMTP black hole, or a black hole of their own (which isn't always
going to be easy to set up - for example, on shared hosting). It also
means that it isn't easy to check the contents of sent mail as part of
your test.

Russ Magee %-)

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