On Aug 11, 1:42 am, jonknee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 10, 11:29 am, simong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The code executes correctly and writes the record to the database but
> > doesn't encrypt the credit card number.
> You're not following the snippet you linked to, the view code you
> posted shows that you're writing ccno directly. The example you linked
> to writes to the property. It might be easier to do in a custom save()
> method because the ModelForm one is automatically writing the ccno
> value.
> And in any event, you may want to rethink about saving credit card
> numbers at all. Especially like this where it's attached to an order.
> It's a big liability for little payoff (just save the info you get
> back from the payment gateway and you can do stuff like refunds and
> most support subscriptions). PCI compliance isn't easy and if you slip
> up you can easily lose the ability to accept credit cards and that
> will most likely devastate your business.

Finally got back to looking at this, thanks both for the tip.

I agree that it's not a good idea to save credit card numbers even
when encrypted but the client isn't using a payment gateway, just
their shop card machine so it's a way of transmitting the number so
that they can process it by hand.

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