
I get the feeling that this isn't the easiest thing to accomplish
given the different posts about it on the list, the lack of response
to questions around in in IRC, and etc, though it strikes me as
something that should be easy to do

I want to switch the DateTimeField to having a 12-hr clock input such
that in places like the admin interface or in your own forms, a user
could simply type 12:00 a.m.  or have a Jquery plugin help out and let
them choose 12:00 a.m.  Right now, this will be rejected as a bad

I'm having problems finding clear instructions on how to actually make
this happen.  I wish it was a simple as modifying the DATETIME_FORMAT
variable in settings.py, but that doesn't do the trick.

Any advice from the list?

Thanks super very much in advance,

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