On Jun 22, 5:59 am, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm assuming you have papastudio.blog listed in INSTALLED_APPS?
> Does apache have read access to the whole tree under  /papastudio, including
> blog?  It seems apache can read /papastudio, otherwise you'd get an
> 'ImportError: No module named papastudio'.  Instead it can't find blog
> underneath it, which might mean it doesn't have read access to the blog
> subdirectory.  Or else it's looking in the wrong place, in which case it'll
> help if you post where the code resides in the file system and the specifics
> of how you have configured Apache.
> Karen

Karen, thanks a bunch! It was the exec permission, not read, but your
e-mail gave me the hint. ;)

I don't know how it happened that it lost the exec perms, but I got it
'fixed' now.

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