On Jun 20, 12:20 pm, Milan Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This TypeError message always baffles me and is hard to debug.  I'm
> using SVN 6962 which means I should probably upgrade, but I tried that
> a month or so ago around query-set-refactor merge and things were
> unhappy so decided to wait.
> TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'presentation' into field. Choices
> are: groups, user_permissions, tutorial, forum_post_set, subscription,
> logentry, application, ...
> Here's two stack traces that cause the problem:
> http://dpaste.com/57816/http://dpaste.com/57701/
> Here's the patch that causes both of them, very odd:
> Index: /workshops/models.py
> ===================================================================
> --- /workshops/models.py (revision 967)
> +++ /workshops/models.py (revision 1015)
> @@ -1217,11 +1217,20 @@
>          return dir_choices
> +    def get_member_pks():
> +        """
> +        Return unique list of user id's that are staff or have been
> accepted.
> +        """
> +        dict={}
> +        for u in User.objects.filter(is_staff=True):
> +            dict[u.pk]=True
> +        for u in
> User.objects.filter(application__status=Application.ACCEPTED_STATUS):
> +            dict[u.pk]=True
> +        return dict.keys()
> +
>      workshop = models.ForeignKey(Workshop)
>      members = models.ManyToManyField(
>                  User,
> -                limit_choices_to={
> -                    'application__status' :
> Application.ACCEPTED_STATUS,
> -                },
> -                help_text="This list is limited to people accepted in
> a workshop. ",
> +                limit_choices_to= {'pk__in': get_member_pks()},
> +                help_text="This list is limited to people accepted in
> a workshop or staff. ",
>                  filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL,
>      )
> Here's the model the patch applies to:
> class Project(models.Model):
>     def get_dir_choices():
>         """
>         returns a tuple of tuples of directories for use with choices
> in a
>         selectfield.
>         """
>         import os
>         import re
>         dir_choices = []
>         # only go 4 dirs deep from project_static_root
>         match1 = re.compile('^[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+$')
>         match2 = re.compile('^[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+$')
>         for root, dirs, files in
> os.walk(settings.PROJECT_STATIC_ROOT):
>             for d in dirs:
>                 d = os.path.join(root, d)
>                 d = d.replace(settings.PROJECT_STATIC_ROOT, "", 1)
>                 # relative path is stored in DB
>                 if re.search(match1, d) or re.search(match2, d):
>                     # check for index.html
>                     if os.path.isfile(settings.PROJECT_STATIC_ROOT+d
> +os.path.sep+'index.html'):
>                         dir_choices.append((d, d))
>         return dir_choices
>     def get_member_pks():
>         """
>         Return unique list of user id's that are staff or have been
> accepted.
>         """
>         dict={}
>         for u in User.objects.filter(is_staff=True):
>             dict[u.pk]=True
>         for u in
> User.objects.filter(application__status=Application.ACCEPTED_STATUS):
>             dict[u.pk]=True
>         return dict.keys()
>     workshop = models.ForeignKey(Workshop)
>     members = models.ManyToManyField(
>                 User,
>                 limit_choices_to= {'pk__in': get_member_pks()},
>                 help_text="This list is limited to people accepted in
> a workshop or staff. ",
>                 filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL,
>     )
>     pub_date = models.DateField('Published Date')
>     title = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=255)
>     directory = models.TextField(
>         'Directory',
>         help_text="The directory where the project files live, not
> including the base.  This maps directly to the filesystem.  Currentl
> the base is "
>             + settings.PROJECT_STATIC_ROOT + '.',
>         blank=True,
>         choices=get_dir_choices(),
>         #prepopulate_from=('title','pub_date'),
>     )
>     url = models.URLField(
>         help_text="Useful if the project is hosted on another
> server.",
>         verify_exists=False,
>         blank=True
>     )
>     pullquote = models.CharField(max_length=150, blank=True)
>     desc = models.TextField(blank=False)
>     public = models.BooleanField(default=False)
>     enable_comments = models.BooleanField(default=True)
>     image = models.ImageField(
>         help_text='A small screenshot or thumbnail that represents
> this project. Typically less than 250px wide.',
>         upload_to='upload/projects/',
>         blank=True)
>     class Admin:
>         list_display = ( '__unicode__',
> 'workshop','pub_date','public',)
>         list_filter = ['workshop']
>         js = (
>              '/admin/media/js/getElementsBySelector.js',
>              '/admin/media/filebrowser/js/AddFileBrowser.js',
>              '/media/js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js',
>              '/media/js/TinyMCEAdmin.js',
>              '/media/js/admin.js',
>         )
>     def __unicode__(self):
>         return self.title
>     def get_show_url(self):
>         if self.url:
>             return self.url
>         else:
>             return '/training/projects/%s/show/' % self.id
>     def get_absolute_url(self):
>             return '/training/projects/%s/' % self.id
>     def get_static_dir(self):
>         """
>         Fullpath to the project filesystem location.
>         """
>         return settings.PROJECT_STATIC_ROOT + self.directory

I ran into this once and it was a result of something in my query
string that the app was not expecting.  It seems that for some reason
you are passing the variable 'presentation' and neither the admin or
your app knows what to do with it.


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