Greetings all,

I'm trying to figure out the best DRY way of doing this.  I want to
have a comments field on several of my models.  The idea behind this
field is  that it would not actually be stored in the database,
instead it would be appended to another field with a timestamp and the
user.  Thus the database storage would look something like:

----- 17-JUN-2008 13:42 Bob -----
This is Bob's comment that is stored away and not overwritten by
Chris's below...

----- 18-JUN-2008 17:25 Chris -----
Here is a comment by Chris...he only entered this

The non-DRY way of doing this I imagine would be overriding the save
function on my models.  I thought maybe I could do this with a custom
field, but maybe not?

Any thoughts and comments from the folks much smarter then me?? :)

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