> This may be a loaded question, but I was reading a blog post
> that postgresql is the preferred database for Django. Is this
> true? If so, why?

I think the "preference" comes from "that's what we happen to be 
using, so we may be be better equipped to answer questions you 
might have" as there seems to be a recommendation in the 0.96 docs


but that preference has been removed in the current docs


I can't speak for the authors of the documentation, but I've 
found that PostgreSQL is generally more complete when it comes to 
standards compliance, though I must say that MySQL has been 
rapidly closing that gap.  It used to be that MySQL lacked Views, 
stored procedures, and my biggest pet-peeve, sub-selects (there 
may have been some additional features I'm missing in this list). 
  Postgres also has greater support for GIS info if that's 
important to you.

MySQL did have native full-text and replication features before 
Postgres (which had them as add-on modules, but not natively).

Postgres has taken a path of "get it correct & complete, then 
optimize" while MySQL seems to have taken the path of "get it 
fast and then fill in the missing features".

The last shoot-out I saw, MySQL performed better under light to 
modest load (especially with read-only queries), but started 
choking at higher sustained load, while Postgres was a tiny bit 
slower at low to medium volumes but just kept on truckin' at 
higher sustained load.  And Postgres is no slouch in the speed 
department anyways.

These days, I find them fairly equal in functionality -- MySQL 
has added support for most of the missing elements, and Postgres 
has added support for full-text and native replication.  Speed is 
also pretty comparable these days.  I personally find MySQL a 
little easier to administer but that's my own experience.

Additionally, you're often more likely to find MySQL on most 
hosting company servers.  But if you're building your own server, 
then you can install whatever you like.


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