On 11 juin, 16:41, Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm new to Django, and as a learning exercise I've been putting
> together a simple contact database.  There are separate fields for
> first_name and last_name, and another field for the company name
> called ac_name
> In the template for the main page I put a form that allows searching
> by name or company, here's my code:
> <form action="/contacts/search/" method="post">
> <input type="text" name="search_parameter" id="search_parameter"><br /
> <input type="radio" name="choice" id="choice1" value="1" checked>
> <label for="choice1"">by Name</label>
> <input type="radio" name="choice" id="choice2" value="2">
> <label for="choice2"">by Company</label><br />
> <input type="submit" value="Go" />
> </form>
> And here is the relevant section of the views.py file:
> def search(request):
>         find_me = request.POST['search_parameter']
>         sort_by_choice = request.POST['choice']
>         if sort_by_choice == '1':
>                 all_contacts = 
> Contact.objects.filter(last_name__icontains=find_me)
>         elif sort_by_choice == '2':
>                 all_contacts = 
> Contact.objects.filter(ac_name__icontains=find_me)
>         return render_to_response('contactsdb/index.html', {'all_contacts':
> all_contacts})
> This currently works quite nicely as long as you only enter someone's
> last name or company name, but if someone enters a person's full name
> in the search box, it obviously returns nothing.  I'm having trouble
> figuring out how to search a person's full name for matching text.

The SimplestThinkThatCouldPossiblyWork (while certainly not the
smartest) would be to add a full_name field to the Contact model,
hidden in the admin, and autopopulated from the first_name and
last_name fields whenever the Contact instance is saved. This last
point can be adressed overriding the save() method of the Contact
model, ie

   def save(self):
       self.full_name = "%s %s"  % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
       super(Contact, self).save()

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