Gene Campbell wrote:
There really isn't too much of a need for this. I can take almost any template from any standard template site, and "django-fy" it in 10 minutes top. Usually it takes me only a minute or two to do.Is there a web template source, like, that provides templates ready to use with Django. I'm imagining a site that has different templates from which to choose and download, but is implemented with the django template language. For example, it could be a drop in replacement for the admin pages. I imagine that the look and feel could vary wildly, but there would be common widgets like menus, titles and other text, contact us page, etc. that could be generalized.Why? Perhaps you have a framework you've built that you reuse and want it to look different for each customer. You could have the client choose a template and get core functionality going quickly. If there in nothing like this, are there any other time saving ways to get a UI in a Django project? (not that Django isn't fast enough already - I should probably be just coding instead of typing this email.) I'm trying to think of ways to save some dev time.
The reason that there is no site like the one you are talking about is because django isn't a CMS like drupal or joomla. Django templates need to fall in line with each application that you write. It's also ridiculously easy to drop in any old html template from an html template website.
Here is some thoughts/rambling about django templates in general:The admin templates work very well. It is easy to change them too. I'm not sure why you'd want to completely change the look and feel of it-- only a few admins will ever see it. If your client really wants it to be different, you can tweak the colors in the CSS, or add their logo to it. Those are very small changes that don't take too much time either. I tweaked the admin site for a client in a freelance gig. It was super easy. I changed the title to reflect the name of their website, and tweaked the breadcrumb bit for easier navigation. It doesn't match the main website, but there are only three people that will probably ever see it.
My most recent project at work is a django app. I was able to start getting functionality before I even saw the template for the whole project. I knew that there would most likely be a "base.html" with a {% block content %}. Once the template became available to me, I saw that that was the case, and my templates that inherite base.html integrated seamlessly. I could just as easily grab another theme from any old html template site, and add a {% block content %} section, and drop it right in. Another app that we have was able to be dropped right in, and it fits into the new template very nicely. I only made a few modifications to div classes and such to tweak the look and feel.
I hope this helps! Jeff Anderson
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