> If you mean compared to Apache prefork and mod_python then answer is
> yes.

> Even without using mod_wsgi though, one can do better than prefork
> with mod_python by using Apache worker MPM instead. Because Apache
> worker MPM processes are multithreaded you don't need as many to be
> running and so less copies of your application in memory.
I've tried MPM worker. Indeed memory usage is much lower with this
but I had a lot of strange errors that were possibly related to
thread safety. For example template loader stated that template
doesn't exist, but in fact template was there. I've found a ticket
for this, with a patch, but after applying it I've received other
that I was not able realize why they happen and I was not
able to find any possible thread safety problems within error related
code, eg.:

File "/xyz/django/template/__init__.py", line 785, in render
   output = force_unicode(self.filter_expression.resolve(context))
 File "/xyz/django/template/__init__.py", line 518, in resolve
   obj = self.var.resolve(context)
AttributeError: 'FilterExpression' object has no attribute 'var'

I'm not 100% sure that these errors are because of multithreading,
but I suppose they are. As my apache stopped working twice in the
last 2 days I've decided to switch back to prefork immediately
without further investigation.

> Whether you use Apache worker MPM or not, when using mod_wsgi you can
> also use it in daemon mode. This is similar to fastcgi in the sense
> that your web application is run in separate process(es), but mod_wsgi
> will handle all the management of those processes, starting them up
> and restarting them as necessary.
Thanks for all the links, I've already set up one application using
in deamon mode at Webfaction :)
It works, setup was easy, memory usage seems to be lower, but it is
only one application so far. Now I have to setup virtual hosts and
applications with wsgi and see how it works altogether and in which

Maciej Wisniowski
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