Hi Rajesh,

On 4/30/08, Rajesh Dhawan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>> Is there a reasonable/accptable ot better yet "recommended" way to add 
>functionality, etc. to an app without resorting to the above points? If so, 
>what stones should I turn (via google serches, etc.) to figure this out.
>It depends quite a bit on how "extensibly" the said app was designed.
>Does it use Python classes, for instance? If so, you could look into
>extending these classes with your own. Does it issue or allow Django
>signals? If so, you could add your own listeners to such signals.

A quick bit of grepping shows that signals are being used internally. The 
majority of its classes are within Django models.

>You can also do many other kludgy things with Python like replacing a
>class method's implementation but that's not very good practice as it
>eventually ends up with unmaintanable code.

I can't afford to develop anything short-sighted - overall a losing proposition.

>Can you tell us more about the app your are looking to extend and also
>in what ways you want to extend it?

Sure. I'm looking at Satchmo. Parts of it are close enough that I can adapt to 
how it is configured. Unfortunately, the product models and client models don't 
fit well, esp. the product model. I posted a similar message on the Satchmo 
list with greater detail but have not received any suggestions.

Basically, the products I have to integrate are a set of services that can be 
subscribed to for short and long periods of time. Discounts are available based 
upon quantity of service as well as duration of service.

I can certainly relate my own work with the existing models via M2M and FK but 
that, I believe, will be outside the scope of the Satchmo app. I am at a loss 
as to how to interject my required changes between the various classes. I don't 
want to have to 'wrap' every Satchmo class with my own - it seems a recipe for 
disaster 8^(

After I send this message, I'll dig further into signals and the dispatcher to 
see if I can be a little less clueless. Thanks for giving me something to look 

Also, I just encountered last night about class templates (I think thats what 
they were called) in Django. I have to go back and read in detail this evening 
and see what I might be able to appropriately leverage.


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