On 4/29/08, ydjango ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>My path is
>and I have links created as mentioned in django installation guide.
>what path did you add, till django-trunks or till django?
>when I do <model_class_name>. I see all the attributes and methods of
>the model class but do not see "objects" ( I want
><model_name>.objects. code completion)

I had not tested Open Komodo/Komodo Edit for many months so decided to give the 
latest version a try. From a fresh install, the auto-complete features worked 
(though I did restart the application once before I had a chance to test it).

As I've been using 'ports' <www.macports.org> to install OSS packages (I'm 
running 10.4.11 on a G5), the path I setup for django is:

... I have a bunch of other projects downloaded there too.

Of course, you can set it up pretty much anywhere from your home directory to 
/usr/local/lib/ and more, but it would be best to standardize. You can get to 
the hidden directories, btw, via the Finder using the cmd-shift-G option from 
the 'Go' menu.

I was using Eclipse for a while. Some very nice features but a **huge** memory 
footprint. I recently tested the latest BBedit and Text Mate (oh and about 20 
mins with Smultron) and each have their merits. So far, I have to say that 
Komodo Edit has improved _dramatically_ since my last encounter. Th syntax 
highlighting is not as good as TM, that's about the only negative I've found so 
far (5 hours is not long enough).

Anyway, just wanted to point out the path options and my success with a fresh 


>On Apr 29, 2:51 pm, Rui Pacheco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This is what I had to do:
>> Added the path to my Django uncompressed directory to Preferences ->
>> Languages -> Python -> Additional Python Import Directories
>> On Apr 29, 10:48 pm, Rui Pacheco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > It's now working. Very strange, I had a very hard time importing
>> > django.db.models but all of a sudden it works.
>> > On Apr 29, 10:44 pm, Szaijan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > Hi Rui,
>> > > I'm using Komodo Edit 4 on Mac OSX 10.5 and code completion works for
>> > > me in .py files out of the box (just tested it for
>> > > django.utils.simplejson.)  I did nothing to the setup to get this to
>> > > work.  Is it possible your django installation isn't on the python
>> > > path for the user you're logged in as when editing files?

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