On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 08:11 -0700, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> urlpatterns = patterns('staff',

This "prefix" has nothing to do with the prefix of the URL. It's
something that is used when you specify the view function as a string
(it's the prefix put at the start of the import path in that case).
Basically, get rid of it in your case.

>     (r'^/$', list_detail.object_list, groups),
>     (r'^(?P<slug>[-\w]+)/$', list_detail.object_detail, employee),
> )
> Is this syntax correct? I keep getting a 404 when I try to view the
> detail for an Employee. I have a slug field on the Employee, and am
> constructing the link using get_absolute_url and the URL sytnax is
> correct, emitting: /staff/my-slug/.

The /staff/ bit is incorrect. You will either need to change the pattern
or use simply /my-slug/ with the pattern you have.


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