One thing you can do for PDF's is create an HTML page using standard
django templates(or however you like) and then use html2pdf to create
the pdf.

On Apr 16, 2:42 pm, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Did you use any open source (or commercial) tools/ framework
> > for dynamic reporting? Or did you build on your own? Which
> > tool/framework did u use?
> Most of our dynamic reporting was HTML based.  We do have some
> that exported to "Excel XML Document" format (not OOXML) which
> was easy enough to do.
> > (My app requires Dashboard with graphs,dynamic charts and
> > dynamic reports.)
> Currently no graphs/charts or PDFs.  If they come down the pike,
> I'll likely use PIL for dynamic creation of graphs/charts, and
> there's a popular PDF package I'd search the list archives for.
> > Also for business rules and process flow - did u use any
> > tools/ frameworks?
> It was implemented mostly as a finite-state-machine in the
> database.  This also makes it easy to report against things like
> "how many statements are in state X" where X might be something
> like "waiting for account-manager action".  Management loves
> those sorts of things :)
> I've always found FSMs fairly easy to implement/understand so I
> didn't reach for any tools/frameworks.
> -tim
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