On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:45 AM, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 10:43 AM, John-Scott
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  There hasn't been any updates on the django-updates mailing list since
> >  March 18. At the time, someone on IRC said they thought it was due to
> >  the traffic from the sprint but that was a month ago. I am tracking
> >  trunk with my projects and it was really convenient to get email
> >  updates on trunk commits (with handy gmail filters to trim out all the
> >  non-commit noise). I can accomplish the same thing via
> >
> http://trac.tripology.com/tripology-trac/timeline?changeset=on&max=50&daysback=90&format=rss
> >  but just wanted to bring it to the attention of whoever is in charge.
> "Whoever is in charge" would be the developers who write and maintain
> Google's mailing-list systems. It is not a problem that anyone
> associated with Django can fix.

Really?  I just assumed the problem was on the trac side, where the messages
are supposed to be generated, not on the Google group side.  What exactly is
happening?  Has it been posted as a problem on the Google Groups help forum
(I can't find anything that seems relevant there)?  I know reporting
problems to Google is like tossing stuff into a black hole but the Groups
help forum actually seems to have some activity from Google employees.  I'd
be willing to try to raise an issue there but I'd need to have half a clue
what the problem is.

Is it known for sure that trac is sending the mails to the google group
address, and that the origin email ID is allowed to post to the group (did
it get auto-banned for some reason)?  Will the group update if mail is sent
from a different ID (may require authorizing another ID to post to the group
in order to test)?  Can the group owner(s) verify the config looks correct
on the Google side, or are there issues with accessing the group management

Really, I'd be willing to spend considerable effort getting this resolved,
since I find the group emails much more convenient/effective than the other
avenues that have been mentioned, so if I can help by trying to get a
response from Google on the problem please let me know.  But I will need to
know what exactly the problem is.  Right now based solely on the symptoms an
end user can see, like I said, I would have guessed it was a trac problem.


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