On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 01:08:38PM -0500, James Bennett wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Alessandro Dentella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >  more. I'd like to understand why one of the 2 query used the cache and the
> >  other didn't.
> Nothing in Django will magically cache things when you haven't told
> Django to cache things.
> Nothing in PostgreSQL will magically cache things when you haven't
> told PostgreSQL to cache things.
> Most likely sources of your problem:
> 1. You're assigning a query result to a global variable inside a
> module, and then referring to it later while expecting it to change
> (it won't, since module-level code only initializes once per server
> process, and this is normal Python behavior), or

  Got it! thanks That's definitely something I was not thinking. In fact
  I made a module with some functions and I set at the module level:

  Notizie = News.objects.all().order_by('-data')

  thanks again

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