Hello List!

Things clicked tonight!  I visited with Jacob at PyCon and decided that it
was time to really learn Django.  I have gone through most of the Django
book (online) and the Head First XHTML with CSS books.  Tonight, everything
came together and I've written my first web pages using Django and XHTML via
the template system.  In may ways, laying out web pages takes me back 20
years to formatting pages using the TeX document processing system.  I see
hboxes and vboxes on the screen.  It's a lot of fun and the instant feedback
of playing on the web beats my day job working on database scripts.  Pulling
the templates apart reminds me of OO programming.  It's better than sex.
Well, maybe not *better*, but it is a hellofalota fun.

But I digress...

I'm having trouble getting the css to work inside the template system.  I
place a "<link>" line  in the "<head>" section pointing to the css file (the
same way I did going through the Head First book) but my Templates don't
"see" the file.  I've tried placing the css file in a couple of different
places (in the Template directory and in the "home" directory of the site)
and even tried an absolute path in the "href" attribute of the <link> line.
I got around the problem by removing the <link> line and placing {% include
"myfile.css" %} between <style> tags in the header section.  It works, but
just doesn't look/feel right.

Have I missed something?  Do css files "work" in Djano?  Is this the
Djangoesce way to do it?

Thanks for your help!  I can't wait to get a few more prototypes under my
belt, then put up a web site for the Central Arkansas Python Users Group

Thanks again,

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