On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 6:45 PM, Francisco Benavides <

> Hi,
> I am in the process of adding more information to the user, managed
> via django.contrib.auth.  I am getting an error in the admin
> interface, when trying to add a profile to a given user. First time
> the interface crashes, but the profile gets added, so the next time I
> try to add the same profile, it naturally complains that it already
> exists.
> I have setup the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'txm.userprofile'
> settings.py
> http://dpaste.com/41684/
> The profile is using user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True,
> related_name='profile')
> userprofile.model.py
> http://dpaste.com/41685/
> url.py
> http://dpaste.com/41686/
> The DEBUG data is in:
> http://dpaste.com/41688/
> Thx!/Fco

Traceback shows the admin code is trying to log information about the new
object created.  Ultimate error is in force_unicode and from the line above
you can see force_unicode is being called on 'new_object', so that's
probably an instance of your UserProfile model.  Checking its __unicode__
method shows the problem:

return '%i %s %s %s' % (self.user.first_name, self.user.last_name, self.
materno, self.user.username)

It's trying to format self.user.first_name (a string, I'd guess) as a %i
(integer).  I think that %i should be %s.


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