No no, the model will be served on all sites. Individual instances
will only be on a single site. So each site will have it's own set of
neighborhoods and locations. It's also possible that a neighborhood or
location will be on multiple sites.

The problem is that when dealing with a location in the admin
interface the select box for neighborhoods shows _all_ the
neighborhoods from _all_ the sites which is quite a lot to have to
sort through manually. So I'm trying to find a way that the list of
neighborhoods could be filtered by site to make it easier to select
the right neighborhood.

On Mar 27, 10:50 am, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's break down exactly what you are trying to accomplish. You have a
> model that you only want to be served only on a certain site. I
> thought that flatpages was using a manager to figure this out, but if
> actually applies a filter when flatpages is being fallen back on.
> You can create a manager quite simply that filters for site and then
> it returns the objects for that site and that then is the query set
> that is passed to your views. From there you can deal with figuring
> out the other items that you need.
> The documentation for managers is quite 
> good:
> Just think that you want as many mangers as sites and you want to
> filter the query sets by site. You could probably create a manager
> that filters the sites dynmically, but there be monsters with object
> caching that you might not want to get into.
> In all reality you could also do this filtering in your views.
> If you are have issues figure out what Site is currently being called
> look in settings.SITE_ID
> This is what flatpages does to return the flatpage object: f =
> get_object_or_404(FlatPage, url__exact=url,
> sites__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID)
> Hope that helps,
> Michael
> On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 9:58 AM, Josh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I'm not sure I understand how flatpages can help. I'm trying to limit
> >  what options show up in a select box in the admin interface so that if
> >  I have a Location on site A, when I go to select what Neighborhood
> >  it's in I'm only presented with the Neighborhoods that are also
> >  associated with site A and not the Neighborhoods from site B.
> >  On Mar 26, 10:01 pm, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  > Django.contrib.flatpages does exactly what you are trying to
> >  > accomplish. It might be a bit of code to sort through but it is the
> >  > tried and true method to accomplish the multiple site one object idea.
> >  > Hope that helps,
> >  > Michael
> > > On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Josh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  > >  I'm working on a multi-site project, so most models have a site field.
> >  > >  One particular model, locations, has a site field as well as a 
> > many-to-
> >  > >  many relationship with the neighborhood model which also has a site
> >  > >  field. What I want is that when editing a location object the
> >  > >  neighborhoods that show up in the select box are only those
> >  > >  neighborhoods that are related to the same site as the location being
> >  > >  edited.
> >  > >  It's been suggested that writing a custom manager might allow me to do
> >  > >  this, but I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to start. Does anyone have
> >  > >  any tips, or has anyone done somethign similar before?
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