I was planning on using mootools, but it could just as easily be done
with jQuery or no libraries (as all we need are a few basic things..
DOM selection and AJAX, the rest is cake)

On Mar 27, 7:58 am, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David,
> This would be really cool because right now it is still a bit of a
> pain to do this for each form. A tool could really save some time. One
> thing that keeps coming up that I need javascript to check for is for
> file uploads checking that the file is appropriate both in extension
> and size. Also the ability to add an indicator that shows that the
> form is actively being submitted would be really helpful.
> Obviously this is a fringe case, but perhaps I might even get some
> time to modularize the javascript that I have to pass to you. Sadly my
> stuff is mostly attached to YUI. Are you planning on using a library
> for this tool and if so which one?
> Thanks for the work. I look forward to seeing the tool,
> Michael
> On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:13 AM, David Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  As promised, Im going to release some tools that make it easier to
> >  integrate client and server-side javascript validation and utilities
> >  for newforms. To do this though, I first need to come up with a list
> >  of what is needed. Here is my current list:
> >  - Validation per-field via client-side and server-side JS (e.g. slug
> >  is unique=True, onchange query server)
> >  - Validation on submission
> >  - Auto complete on relational fields (foreign key, many to many)
> >  - Char fields for foreign key and many to many that use server-side
> >  validation
> >  - Many to Many char field would show many char fields (adding them as
> >  you go)
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