On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 6:49 AM, speleolinux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi
> On Mar 7, 11:26 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > It is fairly important when reporting an error like this that you give
> > enough information to indicate where the error is coming from.
> ...
> Sorry. See at bottom.
> > Guessing a lot here (it looks like there's only one place "choice1"
> > could be being used as a keyword argument), I suspect you'll find the
> > problem is related to this line in your view:
> >
> >         d = Decision(**self.cleaned_data)
> >
> > Since your form has fields 'choice1' and 'choice2', this will be
> > equivalent to a call to
> >
> >         Decision(choice1=..., choice2=..., choices=...)
> >
> > and I'll wager that your Decision model doesn't have fields of that
> > name.
> Correct, it just has one field 'choices'. I mentioned in the post that
> the model has 'choices', the Form will have choice1, choice2 etc.
>  > Remember that the cleaned_data dictionary contains one key for
> > each field in your form. So if they don't map exactly onto the field
> > names for your model (with no extras -- it's not going to magically read
> > your mind and decide you didn't mean to pass in choice1 and choice2),
> > you'll need to manually map from the cleaned_data entries to the
> > keywords to pass to the Decision constructor.
> Yes I realise that I have to do the work in setting a value for the
> field 'choices'  for the model
> from the values choice1 & choice2 in the form which should be in
> cleaned_data if the form is valid.
> I thought something like this is what I would do:
> def clean(self):
>        # later I'll do a loop as there are a few of these choices.
>        self.cleaned_data['choices'] = self.cleaned_data['choice1'] +
> self.cleaned_data['choice2']
>        # The model does not contain choice1, choice2 etc so remove
> them.
>         del self.base_fields['choice1']
>         del self.base_fields['choice2']
>        # Now the form data should match the model so it should 'save'
> OK.
>        return self.cleaned_data

If you are going to populate a Decision from self.cleaned_data, then you
need to remove choice1 and choice2, etc, from the cleaned_data dictionary
that you return from your clean() function.  Removing them from base_fields
I don't think does much at this point, they're already in cleaned_data and
that is where they need to be removed from.

[ Also am I right in my thinking that the clean method of the custom
> form in forms.py
> is where I should do this rather than in say views.py as that way the
> fact that the form uses
> choice1, choice2 etc => choices is kept out of the views and out of
> the model. ]

I'm not sure where the right place is for this, mucking with removing fields
from cleaned_data seems inelegant but if you're going to be presenting a set
of fields on the form and have to consolidate them down to one field for the
model then it's got to be done somewhere.

> I presume that as the form should be valid there will be a
> cleaned_data dict available.
> So I still can't understand why I get TypeError at /planner/decision/
> add/
> 'choice1' is an invalid keyword argument for this function

The cleaned_data dict that is available is the one returned from your
clean() function.  Since you haven't removed the clean1, clean2 choices from
that, you get the TypeError.


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