On Feb 18, 2008, at 12:10 AM, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> How are you doing your image saving? In the normal course of things,  
> the
> image data is saved to disk *before* the corresponding object is saved
> to the database. So that would mean it wasn't visible before saving  
> was
> complete.
> However, maybe you're doing something funky. Do you have a (short)  
> code
> sample that shows how you're doing the image saving?
> Malcolm

Here's the whole thing, it's not that long. I wish I knew if it was  
funky or not... "stream" is a boolean saying whether I want an extra- 
large version of the pic to be saved in a special directory,  
everything else is bog-standard.

     def save(self):
         if not self.id:
             from PIL import Image, ImageOps
             img = Image.open(self.get_picFile_filename())
             size = (120,90)
             extrasize = (600,450)
             info = img._getexif()
             if info[0x0112] == 8:
                 img = img.rotate(90)
                 size = (90,120)
                 extrasize = (450,600)
             if self.stream:
                 fileName = self.picFile.split('/')[-1]
                 extra = img.copy()
                 extra = ImageOps.fit(extra,extrasize, Image.ANTIALIAS, 
             img = ImageOps.fit(img,size,Image.ANTIALIAS,0,(0.5,0.5))
         super(Pic, self).save()

Many thanks,


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