On Feb 16, 11:52 am, Doug B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Javascript is something new for me too. It looks like things are
> getting encoded twice. From a minute in google it looks like you are
> using prototype?
Yessir prototype/scriptaculous. :)
> Try:
> postBody:Sortable.serialize('sortedriders')
> instead of:
> parameters: Sortable.serialize("sortedriders")
> then on the django side:
> request.POST.getlist('sortedriders')
> This is where google led me, looks like it might have some good info.
> Good luck!
> http://www.willarson.com/blog/?p=39
DEBUG:root:<QueryDict: {u'sortedriders[]': [u'21', u'23', u'24',
u'22', u'25', u'26', u'27', u'28', u'29', u'30', u'31', u'32', u'33',
u'34', u'35', u'36', u'37']}>
Thank you very much!!
Funny enough, I came across that page while googlin' for an answer. I
should have read it a bit closer. D'oh!
I'll have to go back and figure out the differences later. I'm just
happy it's working after wasting *cough* 1.5 days *cough* on that.
Thanks again!
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