Thank you, that's very clear now. I completely forgot those were
querysets. Thank you for your time.


On Feb 10, 2008 10:48 AM, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-02-10 at 10:33 -0500, Prof. William Battersea wrote:
> [...]
> >
> > I had a Model called Gallery, which had a ManyToManyField pointing to
> > a Model called Location. In location, I had set my __str__ method to:
> >
> > return " / ".join(str(v) for v in self.location if not v == "")
> There are multiple problems here. Firstly, you want to be iterating over
> self.location.all(), not self.location. The self.location attribute is a
> ManyRelatedManager instance (which you really don't care about at all,
> trust me -- the point is, it's not something iterable). You use
> self.location as a queryset, essentially, so you can filter it, etc.
> Secondly, 'v' will then be a Location instance. So comparing it to "" is
> not going to do anything sensible. Possibly you want to be testing if
> str(v) != "" instead (comparing apples to apples, rather than elephants
> to apples).
> I'm still not entirely sure why this problem led to the error you
> reported, but it's not impossible to imagine. I would have expected you
> to get some kind of error like "ManyRelatedManager is not iterable",
> though. *shrug*
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> --
> No one is listening until you make a mistake.
> >

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