I am trying to evolve a Django project in piecemeal-growth fashion.

I was happy to learn that I cd easily add tables to an existing model
using syncdb, but now I want to add a field.

I read Django Fett's post about how to do it in this group, but I
cheated a little (see below excerpt).  He wrote:
Here are the steps I would use to add a field to an existing model
without having to write your own SQL and without the risk of getting
your model code out of sync with your database table...
Open up a Command Prompt window and change the drive/directory to your
project.  Then do something similar to the following:

> python manage.py dumpdata polls > polls.json
> python manage.py sqlclear polls > polls_drop.sql
> mysql -u root -p pypoll < polls_drop.sql

enter your password for the root user (change for your specific

edit mysite/polls/models.py and add the field to the Poll model

> python manage.py syncdb
> python manage.py loaddata polls.json

I'm using Sqlite3. I cheated by doing:
1. doing python manage.py dumpdata --indent=4 >mytest1.json
2. putting mytest1.json in a fixtures directory under the mytest1
project directory
2. deleting the database file.
3. recreating the database file as empty.
4. adding the field to the model.
5. doing python manage.py syncdb
6. doing python manage.py loaddata mytest1.json

Result: no data got loaded.

So where did I go wrong?  Was something critical about Django Fett's
mysql steps?  In other words, is it critical to retain the existing
database to use dumpdata and loaddata successfully?

Note: I'm at a really early stage, it is no trouble to recreate the
data.  I'm just trying to learn because I am sure I will be doing this
again many times as this project evolves.
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