On Feb 7, 8:30 am, toomim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 11:05 pm, toomim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't understand, how do I get {{sep}} to change from ',' to 'and'
> > and then to the empty string in the last 2 iterations of the loop,
> > without using a bunch of if statements? (And since we're using
> > variables, a {% where %} clause?)

You could write a custom tag... The code below needs to be put in a
file called dktags.py (or you need to change the {% load dktags %}
line), in a directory named templatetags in the same directory that
contains your model.py and views.py files. The templatetags directory
also needs to contain an empty file named __init__.py

The output is

    John, Paul, Ringo and George

There's virtually no error analysis and I can't imagine anything good
would happen if you try to use it on a sequence with less than two
items... I'm leaving that as an exercise for the reader ;-)

-- bjorn

from django import template

register = template.Library()

class CommaListNode(template.Node):
    def __init__(self, var, lst, sepvar, first, last, nodes):
        self.var = var
        self.lst = lst
        self.sepvar = sepvar
        self.first = first[1:-1] # strip quotes
        self.last = last[1:-1]
        self.nodes = nodes

    def __rendernodes(self, ctx, loopvar, sepvar):
        ctx[self.var] = loopvar
        ctx[self.sepvar] = sepvar
        return self.nodes.render(ctx)

    def render(self, ctx):
        res = []
        # lookup what we're looping over and convert to a list
        # so that we can do negative indexing...
        lst = list(ctx[self.lst])
        for item in lst[:-2]:
            res.append(self.__rendernodes(ctx, item, self.first))
        res.append(self.__rendernodes(ctx, lst[-2], self.last))
        res.append(self.__rendernodes(ctx, lst[-1], ''))
        return ''.join(res)

def commalist(parser, token):
        COMMALIST, var, IN, lst, WITH, sepvar, first, FINALLY, last =
        nodes = parser.parse(['endcommalist'])
        raise templateTemplateSyntaxError("something's wrong")
    return CommaListNode(var, lst, sepvar, first, last, nodes)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from django.template import Context, Template
    from datakortet.tiktok.models import *

    t = Template('''
    {% load dktags %}

    {% commalist n in names with sep ", " finally " and " %}{{n}}
{{sep}}{% endcommalist %}

    ctx = Context({'names': 'John Paul Ringo George'.split()})
    print t.render(ctx)

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