On Jan 24, 10:36 pm, hifire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings group!
> I've been trying to get this code to
> work:http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/282/
> I created a templatetags folder in my app, and added __init__.py and
> usertags.py. I pasted the code from the snippets site into my
> usertags.py. I have a view define like this:
> @login_required
> def user_home(request):
> return render_to_response('master/template/user_home.html',
> {},
> context_instance=RequestContext(request),)
> And my user_home.html looks like this:
> {% load usertags %}
> {% ifusergroup member %}
> You are a member.
> {% endifusergroup %}
> This works, but I don't understand why I can't call render_to_response
> like so:
> render_to_response('master/template/user_home.html')
> I've read over the "Extending the Template Engine" chapter of the book
> but I feel like I keep getting further from an answer.
Unless you pass the request context to your template (using
context_instance=RequestContext(request)), the ifusergroup templatetag
can't tell who the logged in user is.
See this section of the docs:
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