Just a note to everyone, if you are giving out code used for
developmental purposes like the code found here:
Don't do this in your code:
    #do something
    raise http.Http404

Raising a 404 doesn't give you any clue as to what the problem might
have been if your code doesn't work, because it doesn't show the
errors. I understand its purposes, especially for a production server,
but if you are going to distribute the code, it doesn't help when you
are trying to figure out what you need to fix. It can really throw a
newby like me off.

So anyway, nevermind on the previous question :)

On Jan 18, 12:38 pm, bfrederi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great, that looks like it will serve its purpose. I am trying to get
> it to work, and I am messing it up somehow. I made it into and app.
> memcached/
>     __init__.py
>     memcached_status.py
>     templates/
>         memcached/
>             memcached_status.html
> and I put memcached into my settings file under INSTALLED_APPS.
> Here is my urls.py in my project directory:http://dpaste.com/31565/
> Here is memcached_status.py in my app directory:http://dpaste.com/31566/
> Here is my memcached_status.html template in my memcached/templates/
> memcached/ directory:http://dpaste.com/31567/
> The error is:
> Tried memcached_status in module memcached. Error was: 'module' object
> has no attribute 'memcached_status'
> Hopefully someone can spot my problem, thanks :)
> On Jan 18, 11:40 am, Alex Koshelev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >http://effbot.org/zone/django-memcached-view.htm
> > On 18 янв, 19:51, bfrederi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I am using memcached as my backend for cache, but I am not sure how to
> > > check the statistics on memcached, to see what it is actually doing. I
> > > can tell it is working, but I want to see some actual stats on how
> > > well it is working. I've heard there is a "stat" command for
> > > memcached, and I tried doing this:
> > > sudo memcached -d -u (user) -m 512 -l (ip) -p (port#) stats
> > > and
> > > sudo memcached -d -u (user) -m 512 -l (ip) -p (port#) stats detail on
> > > and
> > > sudo memcached -d -D -u (user) -m 512 -l (ip) -p (port#) *the -D
> > > option failed
> > > but I'm not sure how to use it correctly, or where the output goes
> > > when I do. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
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