Hello Django Users,

I'm struggling with the newform options and i'm wondering if there is
a method that can update the values of a certain choicefield.

basically i have two choice fields. The selection of the first choice
field should generate values for the second choice field
in javascript i would do the following

var secondOptions =
        1 :[['Beckman Coulter Electrachrom AT',101],['BioMerieux Chromostrate
        2 :[['Trinity / Biopool Spectrolyse ATIII (anti-Xa)',103],
['Chromogenix Coamatic Antithrombin',105]],
        99:[['Chromogenix Coamatic Antithrombin',105]]

function UpdateSecondary( sel ){
        var secondsel = document.getElementById('secsel');
        var selvalue = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
        var count = secondOptions[ selvalue ].length;

        secondsel.options.length = 0;

        for( i =0; i<count; i++)
                secondsel.options[i] = new Option( secondOptions[selvalue][i]
[0],secondOptions[selvalue][i][1] );

<select name='assa_a' width='600' STYLE='width:150px'
        <option value=1 CLASS='text'>Chromogenix, anti IIa</option>
        <option value=2 CLASS='text'>Chromogenix, anti Xa</option>
        <option value=99 CLASS='text'>Other</option>

<select id='secsel' name='meth_a'>
        <option value=160>Renam Reachrom ATIII</option>

I was wondering if something like this is already incorporated in the
newforms or can this only be done by javascript ?

thanks in advance for your advice,

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