On Jan 12, 2008 6:26 AM, cesco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a bit puzzled by the following behaviour of newforms.
> I have a field in the form called 'seller'.
> In the form validation I have a clean_seller method which if a certain
> condition is verified will do the following:
> self.errors.update(seller = ErrorList([u"message1: the indicated
> seller doesn't exist in our database"]))
> raise forms.ValidationError(u"message2: seller doesn't exist")
> In the template I have the following:
> <div class="error-msg">{{ monitor_f.seller.errors|join:", " }}</div>
> I would expect the first message (that is: "message1: the indicated
> seller doesn't exist in our database") to be displayed in case of
> error and I thought that the forms.ValidationError was just an
> exception raised to stop the validation. Instead the second message
> (the one contained in forms.ValidationError is displayed).
> Probably there is something I'm missing. Would anyone help me
> understand?


"If you detect multiple errors during a cleaning method and wish to signal
all of them to the form submitter, it is possible to pass a list of errors
to the ValidationError constructor."

So, you can accumulate your list of errors and pass them all to
ValidationError at once.


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