> I think I got it! Wrong ordering of middleware - I had the i18n-urls
> middleware before some other stuff, which screwed up a lot.

I'm beginning to think of caching and middleware as being to Django
problems as firewalls are to networking problems: powerful, unseen,
'out of band' manipulators. When something is wrong and everything you
do to fix it has no effect at all, caching and middleware are often
the culprits.

Random musing: when confronted with a networking problem, I have a set
of tools and techniques I use that prove (or disprove) whether a
firewall is part of the mix. I wonder if it's possible to do something
logically similar to ping and tcpdump. Something that gives you a map
of each function/method traversed.

[A few moments later]
Well, I just discovered the python trace module. I tried the
        python -m trace --listfuncs manage.py runserver
but it blew up in setup_environ with "ValueError: Empty module name".

I think this might have real promise, so I'll play with it some more.
If anyone has any suggestions/insights in this area, I'm all ears.
(Which, if you think about it, is a really disturbing mental image to
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