> i user django-register in my project,it is fatastic, but how to:
> 1. restrict username length must more than 5 words
> 2. make sure email is unique.

Good question. I don't recommend our short-term solution--modify the
contrib/auth code--but it was the only way I could figure out how to
do it at the time. Our problem was that we were porting a legacy app
that had previously allowed case-sensitive, 80 char (*any* chars) user
names. We could not easily force the users into the new mold, so we
had to start hacking. I would love to move these changes out of the
django code.

WARNING: The following will cause you grief in the future. Every time
you update django to trunk you will need to keep remaking these edits.

If you still want to do this, you need to look at
django.contrib.auth.models. Look at the User model field 'username',
note its validators and its field size. Read the code (and templates)
associated with login.

You may also want to look at http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/74/
for one way to use email as a login id.

I won't go into specifics because if you can't figure it out from the
above hints then you shouldn't be messing around with the code.
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