Hi  Lloyd,

In your urls.py file, you want to specify the  view as a string -
you're currently missing the quotes around it.  It should look like

urlpatterns = patterns(",
    (r'^time/$' , 'current_datetime'), # <-- quotes added!

The (not particularly helpful) message you're getting is django
attempting a string operation (an rindex - right index) on an actual
python function object instead of a string.  I'm guessing that you
imported the view into the urls.py file, which is how you even got
that far.

Good luck.

On Jan 3, 7:07 pm, LRP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah, Django promises much, but so far has delivered nothing but Mal de
> Mar. Please tell me that there is smoother sailing beyond this patch
> of troubled waters.
> 1) Picked as my nautical chart The Django Book... Must be
> authoritative, right?
> 2) We've barely cast moorings and into Chapter 2 when The Book tells
> me to pick a database. Fine. I have an affinity for Postgres. Tells me
> to find and install pyscopg. OK, I find it, try to install it
> according to instructions. Get mysterious error message. Double check
> all my work. No help. Post problem to this fine forum. No response.
> Now that's nervous making. On two counts.
> 3) Ah, the clouds part! Further digging leads me to discover that
> pyscopg is available as python-psycopq2 in the Debian etch
> repository.  Excellent! Aptitude loads it up in a jiffy and the sea is
> calm again!
> Why didn't The Book steer me right to begin with?
> 4) I create a project. Launch the built-in web server. Success! See
> the friendly blue banner. Feeling good.
> 5) But... We sail on to Chapter 3. Create the view
> current_datetime(request) in views.py. Done. and map the view to the
> URL in urls.py as follows:
> urlpatterns = patterns(",
>     (r'^time/$' , current_datetime),
> )
> I follow the instructions meticulously.  Double-check the code. Enter
> the URL...
> Shipwreck!
> 6) I get the error message 'function' object has no attribute 'rindex'
> Exception location: /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/django/core/
> resolvers.py in get_mod_func, line 23
> Who ordered up this "rindex?"
> Am I expected to flounder around in the bowls of django to make this
> tub seaworthy? This newbie is beginning to feel like Django may not be
> all that seaworthy. Or maybe the chart has steered me wrong? Or could
> it be my novice seamanship? Whatever. We're barely out of harbor and
> the good ship is leaking like a sieve.
> And so, I put this note in a bottle and cast it to the waves. Please
> tell me how I can caulk the leaky seams, continue afloat, and earn my
> sea legs.
> And please reassure me that it's worth it.
> Many thanks,
> Lloyd
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