On Fri, 2007-12-21 at 01:56 -0800, Julian wrote:
> hi,
> i have a name url pattern:
> url( r'^login/', 'login', {'template_name': "config/templates/
> login.html"},name="config-login"),
> this works perfectly in the template for
> {% url config_login %}
> but wouldn't it hurt the dry principle to write the login-url in the
> settings.py? right, so i want to do something like this:
> from django.db.models import permalink
> LOGIN_URL = permalink("config-login",())
> but the first line raises an import error (don't know if i can use
> permalink just as url with a named url pattern):

As a general rule, you can't import or use any code from Django's core
in your settings file. There's too much chance of getting a circular
dependency. A *lot* of core depends on django.conf.settings being
available, which means your settings file must have been completely
imported, not just "in the process of being imported".

Short version: don't do that!

If you really want to avoid this small repetition, reverse the

in settings.py: LOGIN_URL='login/'

in urls.py:
        url(r'^%s$' % settings.LOGIN_URL, ....)
Or factor out the constant somewhere else. I don't personally do this
because I like having all the URL patterns visible when I read urls.py
and I rarely change my login url (it's either 'login/' or '/', for me,
it seems). Might scratch your itch, though.


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