On Thu, 2007-12-13 at 11:49 +1000, Tristan King wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to point the FileField upload directory to somewhere that
> isn't under the MEDIA_ROOT ?

This type of question has been asked very frequently on the list in the
past. A number of solutions have been proposed on the list. Please at
least type the proposed subject line of your email into the search box
on http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/ so that we don't get
lots of repeated questions. Searching more broadly on Google will turn
up a lot of useful tips as well.

You'll also notice, if you expand your search a bit further, that
there's ongoing development work to make this all bit more "public API",
requiring less poking about under the covers.


Why be difficult when, with a little bit of effort, you could be

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