> # Assume these are key-value pairs
>     (1, '0-3'),
>     (2, '3-6'),
>     (3, '6-15'),
> )
> class CustomForm(forms.Form):
>     age = forms.ChoiceField(label='Age', choices=AGE_CHOICES)
> How can I get the value (not the key) of the age attribute after validation?
> if f.is_valid():
>     cd = f.cleaned_data
> cd['age'] # returns the "key", not the value

Given that your choices are linear starting with one, you can do
something like


For the more general case you'd want to create a dict() to do the
mapping for you, but you need to insure the key is of the same
type (int vs. string).  I have the following pattern in my code
quite a bit:

  FOO_A = 'a'
  FOO_B = 'b'
  FOO_C = 'c'

    FOO_A: 'This is A",
    FOO_B: 'This is B's description",
    FOO_C: 'This is my C",

  class MyModel(Model):
    foo = CharField(..., choices = FOO_CHOICES.items())
  foo = my_form.cleaned_data['foo']
  my_foo_desc = FOO_CHOICES.[foo]

If order matters, you can use

  choices=sorted(FOO_CHOICES.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])

as  your "choices" clause to sort them (the first by key, the
second by value), as dicts aren't guaranteed to be ordered.

Hope this helps,


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