On Nov 23, 2007 2:41 PM, Matthias Kestenholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-11-23 at 14:30 +0100, Wolfram Kriesing wrote:
> > :-) yep we also discussed that here
> > still it seems "wrong" that it needs to be done with such a hacky way around
> >
> I don't think that's hacky at all, really. If you want an URLField, you
> get a field that guarantees that it really contains an URL. Otherwise it
> should get called fields.MaybeURLField, and what would be the difference
> between that and a plain CharField?
> You can even validate the URL in clean_url()
> But take whatever works for you...

sounds right too :-). thx for the help!
but see the other two drawbacks i wrote in the other mail


> --
> http://spinlock.ch/blog/
> >



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