> I like the idea of 'django.apps', which is kinda more explicit than
> just 'apps'. ;-)

Yeah, though it may be confusing because there is no real
"django.apps" module :-/
What about "django.applications"? Any other objections?

> Following on this thought, maybe we can use version numbers (major,
> minor) to help users
> in identifying which Django version we're tracking.
> I.e:
> - django96.apps : Apps for Django-0.96 release
> - django97.apps : Apps for Django-0.97
> ...and so forth..
> The advantage of using version numbers is that it would be easy to
> build reusable apps
> for a specific django version, which could be more stable than trunk..

Versionized reusable apps are definitely a desirable feature! But I
don't like the idea of just using different entrypoints for each
Django release or other dependency. The setuptools _do_ have native
support for complex dependencies [1] via the "install_requires"
keyword. If Django would be distributed by using setuptools (to make
Django detectable by the setuptools), you could declare the dependency
in the setup.py file of the Django app:

    install_requires = ['Django>=0.96',]

With that, the setup.py would check for the currently installed Django
version and update it, if necessary. I hope to convince some
developers to reintroduce setuptools to the Django code, since it
doesn't make sense to me to reinvent the wheel while designing a
"Django Apps API" (versioning, dependency tracking, packaging).


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