Want more info ?

Create a profile model and tie it to the user in settings.py:
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'profile.UserProfile'

Then you can use
user.get_profile().phone_number for example.


When i started using Django i made the mistake of wanting to go my
Now, i compromise and go Django's Way.

If you use Django, you are tied to Django's rules and the guys that
made those are very clever.

Now that i understood that, my code is way cleaner and easier to

On Nov 16, 4:02 pm, justquick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can the username be Null?
> From the help text on username attr:
> "Required. 30 characters or fewer. Alphanumeric characters only
> (letters, digits and underscores)."
> > What if it was 1,000,000 names, like if I was publishing a phone book?
> Then using the user model, which does keep track of a lot more
> information than you need (username,email,etc.) and does not keep
> track of information you do need (phone,address,etc.). You should
> probably come up with your own model/storage mechanism for keeping
> track of this data.
> On Nov 16, 9:54 am, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Marty Alchin wrote:
> > > My first question would be: Are you absolutely certain that none of
> > > those 1000 other people will ever need a login?
> > anything is possible.
> > I would think at some point it isn't a good idea to use the User table.  
> > What if
> > it was 1,000,000 names, like if I was publishing a phone book?
> > > Basically, if any of those users would ever need to be promoted to
> > > login status, the User model is your best bet. As Samuel mentioned,
> > > just set "is_active" to False and probably set the password field to
> > > "!" since they wouldn't be expected to supply a password. As for
> > > username, you can probably just make a slug out of their real name and
> > > use that.
> > Carl K
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