> Could you do something like a wrapper object in your view before it
> hits the context?  The wrapper below relies on a field list, but you
> could easily have it inspect the Meta class on the model and build the
> list.

This is a nice sort of idea.  Is there a way to expand it from an
individual item-wrapper to a QuerySet wrapper?  The idea usage
would be something that redacts all objects including
ForeignKey/ManyToMany relationships as well.  Thus, if you have
something like the hypothetical

  class Person(Model):
    name = CharField(...)
    ssn = CharField(...)
    pin = CharField(...)
    class Meta:
      redacted = set('ssn', 'pin')

  class Account(Model):
    owner = ForeignKey(Person)
    acct_no = CharField(...)
    balance = DecimalField(...)
    class Meta:
      redacted = set('acct_no', 'balance')

and then have the view do something like

  return render_to_response("foo.html",
     RequestContext(request, {

where the foo.html template has something like

  {% for person in people %}
  <h1>Account Information for
      {{ person.name }}
      ({{ person.ssn }})
  <p>The PIN {{ person.name }} is "{{ person.pin }}"</p>
  {% if person.account_set %}
    <ul>You have the following accounts
      {% for account in person.account_set %}
       <li>{{ account.acct_no }}:
           {{ account.balance }}
      {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

ideally the redaction process would correctly redact the account
information as well.

The more I think about it, the more it seems that the place to
put the redaction is as you describe.  Something has to be done
in each view to intercept the results and then pass them off to
the redactor with the request.  I don't know if there's really a
way to bypass the minimal duplication in each view.

I guess a recursively redacting QS wrapper would look something like

  def should_redact(request):
    return True or False # based on request
  class RedactedItem(object):
    def __init__(self, request, item):
      self.item = item
      self.should_redact = should_redact(request)
    def __getattr__(self, name):
      # untested pseudocode
      if name in self.item._meta.meta.redacted and \
        return REDACTED
        result = getattr(self.item, name)
        if is_queryset(result): # mystery function?
          return redact_queryset(request, result)
          return result

  def redact_queryset(request, qs):
    for item in qs: yield RedactedItem(request, item)

Does that look kosher?  I think that should do the trick.  I'll
play with it a bit more when I get a chance.  Thanks,


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