I faced this problem as well, but there is a work around. I am using
django 0.97 pre (i downloaded from svn 16th Nov, 2007)

Go to c:/python2.4/lib/site-packages/django/core/validators.py
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/validators.py , if you
are using Fedora

comment the following lines (the line numbers in my version is 186 and
trial_image = Image.open(StringIO(content))

Good luck

On Nov 5, 3:27 am, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got a model with anImageField. But, when I attempt to add an
> image via the Admin interface, I receive theerrormessage: "Upload a
> valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a
> corrupted image."
> I'm pretty sure that all of my paths are set correctly because I can
> change the field to a FileField and add an image without any problems.
> I can also successfully work with the same image field via PIL - so I
> don't think it's not an issue with the actual image file or PIL.
> Is this a bug or is there something I'm not doing right? I'm running
> the latest Django from SVN, PIL 1.1.6 and  Python 2.5.1 on OS X 10.5.
> Thanks.
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