On 11/3/07, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "repr(sbj)"= str: u'new tag: Arkada\u015flar\u0131n'

The str: prefix on that looks a little odd.  I'm also confused how you got
repr(sbj) if (as according to the traceback) the exception occurs on the
line preceding the assignment of sbj?

What exactly is instance.name?  I had assumed name was a CharField in your
model, but the exception is occurring in force_unicode on a line where it
has been determined the input is not a basetring type, and I wouldn't think
you would ever get there if name is a CharField.  Where the exception occurs
also seems to contradict isinstance(instance.name, unicode) returning True,
which you say it does, so all in all I am confused.  I thought maybe there
was something else in your template that triggered the error, but the only
variables you access are instance.name and instance.id, plus if you replace
using name with slug the problem goes away, so I'm back to wondering what
exactly name is....?

Can you trigger the error with debug on and then In the interactive
traceback look at the value of s under the line:

  s = unicode(s)

? That might provide a clue.


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