Actually i did exactly what u have done in the trunk version. Let me be more

I have a login.html file in which i have a link to login.css.
login.html is in templates directory
login.css is in media/css directory
both media and templates are in my project directory
now i configured media_root to point to media
now if i type, i can see the css file.(the url
has been configured)
But the effects of the css file can't be seen on the login(html) page.
the linking inside the html file to the css file is proper.
Am i missing something simple here?


On 11/1/07, Antoni Aloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/11/1, Goutham DL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > hi,
> > Its still not working. Iam actually using django 0.96.The code that
> > antoni gave is giving errors.
> The code is prepared for the trunk version of Django, but if you take
> a look at the settings file and the url.py file you'll see how it
> deals with the media.
> On the other hand, it just uses the ideas of
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/0.96/static_files/ but
> splitting the configuration  .
> The trunk version is rock solid and has lot of improvements.
> --
> Antoni Aloy López
> Binissalem - Mallorca
> http://www.trespams.com
> Soci de Bulma - http://www.bulma.cat
> >

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