> class Property(models.Model):
>       def isValidUKPostcode(self, field_data):
>               p = re.compile(r'^(GIR 
> 0AA|[A-PR-UWYZ]([0-9]{1,2}|([A-HIK-Y][0-9](|
> [0-9]|[ABEHMNPRVWXY]))|[0-9][A-HJKSTUW]) [0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})$')
>               if not p.match(field_data['postcode']):
>                       raise validators.ValidationError("You have to have a 
> space in the
> Postcode and all Capital letters.")


I'm gonna raise a personal pet-peeve here...if the computer can 
reformat/clean the incoming value, it should do so.  Unless the 
space has specific syntactic value, you should normalize 
everything to an uppercase format with no spaces, and /then/ 
validate it.  Or allow your validation to accept a sloppy value 
and then normalize it before you save.

Either way, there's very little more user-abusive than requiring 
them to enter such things (phone numbers, ID numbers, credit-card 
numbers, etc) in an exact format.  PARTICULARLY when spaces are 
involved.  I had one site require that a US phone# be formatted 
as "(999) 999-9999".  I had to type the bloody parens, the dash, 
AND THE [expletive] SPACE before the form validated.

On the other end of the spectrum, our VoIP system's web portal 
allows phone numbers to be entered in such a flexible number of 
ways that as long as I use numbers, it takes it.  With any 
mixture of dashes, periods, parens, spaces, or none of the above, 
it normalizes it into an internal format, and then displays it in 
a uniform fashion.


My understanding of the "right/Django" way to do this using 
newforms is to use the clean_*  methods to normalize this data 
before it gets shoved off to the DB, and that these clean_* 
methods would look something like

   clean_postcode_re = re.compile('[^0-9a-z]', re.I)
   def clean_postcode(self):
     return clean_postcode_re.sub('',self.postcode).upper()

However, this seems to do it on a (newform)Field-by-field basis. 
  I couldn't find much in the way of affixing such functionality 
to a Model field.  The best I've been able to determine, one uses 
a custom model field as decribed here:


with it's caveat about "read the source and if it breaks, you get 
to keep both pieces".  One would then override the 
get_db_prep_save() method to take the raw value and return the 
reformated/cleaned version (such as stripping out non-digit 
characters from a phone-number field).

Is there an analog function for formatting things coming *out* of 
the DB?  Using the phonenumber example, one might want to use the 
get_db_prep_save() to strip out anything non-numeric, and then 
store that form in the DB, but then when getting the field, 
display it as a formatted number.  E.g:

   "800.555.1212" from the user
->  "8005551212" in the DB
   ->  "(800)555-1212" coming back out from the DB


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