Tim Chase wrote:
>> Thanks.  Yes, using relative paths is the right idea - it's a shame that 
>> the base url's have to be hard coded in the templates.  I understand 
>> from a web efficiency standpoint of Django not handling static content 
>> but from an application development standpoint this is a real complexity 
>> we don't need.  I can see this becoming a real mess when constantly 
>> updating between development and production.  I did see another blog 
>> which demonstrated a way to use base url variables for static content 
>> with template tags but again this cummulative complexity for common 
>> things just becomes a showstopper for us.  Somehow the base url path 
>> should just be a simple entry in Settings.py and defaulted to the 
>> project location.
> I've gotten around this by adding a couple lines at the bottom of
> my urls.py that, if it's running as the development server (as
> determined by having "runserver" as an entry in sys.argv), it
> adds an entry in the URLs.py to allow Django to handle media:
>   # if you want to use the production site's media location
>   # MEDIA_PATH = settings.MEDIA_ROOT
>   # if you want to use a different directory for testing purposes
>   # MEDIA_PATH = '../media'
>   MEDIA_PATH = '../media'
>   if 'runserver' in sys.argv:
>     urlpatterns += patterns('',
>       (r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$',
>         'django.views.static.serve',
>         {'document_root': MEDIA_PATH}
>         ),
>       )
> It may not be an ideal solution, but it serves my purposes,
> allowing me to access my media in development, while still
> allowing Apache to handle my media in production.
It seems like a good solution - I still can't get an image displayed - 
any idea which settings are not matching ?  I've tried locating the 
/media folder in both /myproject and /myapp with no success

<img src="/media/sitemap.png"></img>

MEDIA_ROOT = './media/'
MEDIA_URL = 'media/'

MEDIA_PATH = '../media'
if 'runserver' in sys.argv:
  urlpatterns += patterns('',

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